Converting tokens is possible in Burrito Wallet. Experience easy token convert through the swap function.
Swap tokens in the ‘Swap’ tab
step 1 Check token list
Within the ‘Swap’ tab, you can see different types of tokens divided into tabs such as Favorites, Popularity, New, and Maximum Rise.
step 2 Check tokens by tab
Check out the latest hottest tokens in the Popular tab! You can bookmark the tokens you are interested in and view them in the Favorites tab.
step 3 Check swap ranking by token
If you click the Ranking tab, you can check the ranking of tokens that are currently actively swapped. The hot token is impossible to miss!
step 4 Token search
Are there any tokens you are looking for? Search to find the token you want to swap.
step 5 Specify Tokens and Amounts
Once you've selected tokens, enter the tokens and quantity to send, then select the tokens you want to receive. After that, click the ‘Calculate Swap estimate’ button.
step 6 Token approval
At the time of the initial swap for each token, you need to go through the token approval step once. After initial approval, the step does not reappear.
*note: If you have multiple wallets, you will need to go through the steps for each wallet individually.
step 7 Check quotation and execute swap
Please check the calculated estimate. To check the comparison with other quotes, click the Quotation> button.
step 8 Check the quotation comparison
Check various swap estimates at a glance.
step 9 Check the quotation details
You can select the quote you want to check and check the details of the quote.
step 10 Swap Execution and Precautions
After selecting the quote you want, return to the swap quote confirmation screen and click the ‘Execute Swap’ button. The Swap notices window will appear. Be sure to check the important precautions when using the swap service!
step 11 2nd authentication
Please enter your password for secondary authentication.
step 12 Send swap transaction
After the second authentication, the swap transfer begins. In the process of sending the swap transaction, it may take some time depending on the blockchain network situation.
step 13 Swap complete!
Swap complete! You can check the swap completion screen. If you are curious about the details, please click ‘Check transaction details’.
step 14 Check Swap Details
If you click ‘Check transaction details’, you can check the details of the swap transaction.
Check transaction history
step 1 Select transaction history
Click the ‘Transaction History’ button on the main screen.
step 2 Check the transaction history list
If there is no transaction history during that period, it will not appear on the list, so please check the date.
step 3 Select transaction details
Please select the transaction you want to check the details of the transaction.
step 4 Check transaction details
You can check the transaction amount, transaction type, recipient, transaction ID, network cost, and status.
If you press the transaction ID, you can check the information on the blockchain created for that transaction.
Network cost is the fee required for a transaction. For more information on transaction fees, please refer to the notes and notes below.
*note: Please check the precautions and notes related to swap!
When Swap Fails
Swap failures can sometimes happen.
Insufficient network fees
When a transaction occurs on the blockchain, network costs are incurred.
Please make sure you have enough tokens to pay for the network.
If it's a blockchain network problem
Transactions may fail due to blockchain network errors.
In this case, please try again later.
What is Slippage?
Slippage is the difference between the price you want to trade and the price you actually traded.
You can also check related information within Burrito Wallet.
Transaction fee
Transaction fees are fees incurred in the process of block creation and transaction processing in the blockchain system. This not only protects the network from spam attacks, but also provides incentives for validators.
Transaction fees may vary depending on network traffic. If you see different transaction fees from time to time, that's likely the reason.