Service Manual


Friends feature in chat


What is the difference between nickname and ID?

A nickname is used as the name in chat.
You can add friends with the registered ID.
Within the Burrito app chat, you can chat with friends based on your ID, send tokens, and transfer NTF right away.
The ID is used for adding friends, selecting a receiving wallet when sending tokens, etc.
Mainly, ID is used for the service.
In addition, only one ID is given to the Burrito wallet account and cannot be changed, and the nickname can be freely changed.

Recommended friend? What can I do with recommended friends?

The Recommended Friends section under the Friends menu will show people who have registered with you.
You can chat with friends by creating a chat and adding friends from the recommended friends list. In addition to chatting, you can exchange files (voice, photo), GIFs, and assets within the chat.
In the chat, it is possible to send and receive GIFs, files (voice, photo), and assets (tokens, NFTs) to and from each other. You can transfer assets (tokens, NFTs) to friends easily without registering your friend's wallet address. You do not have to go through the wallet address input process, so you do not have to worry about entering the wrong address. ๐ŸŽ‰
(However, transfer fees are incurred even when transferring assets within the chat.)
Also, if you add friends, they will be able to see your NFT collections.
Of course, you can use the "Block Friend" function to stop chats and transactions with unwelcome or unwanted friends.

How do I add friends?

The Add Friends function is located in the 'Friends' menu at the bottom of the main menu bar of the Burrito Wallet app.
1.Press 'Add Friend +' at the top of the screen
2. Choose from 4 methods: QR code, add by contact, add by ID, or recommend a friend.
3. A message appears saying 'Friends have been added successfully'.
  • If a message appears saying, "Your friend has not yet installed a burrito wallet," "Shall we send an invitation message?" You can send an invitation message by sharing the Burrito Wallet installation link with your friend.

I want to create a group chat

The Add Friends function is located in the 'Friends' tab of the menu at the bottom of the main screen of the Burrito Wallet app.
  1. Press 'Add Friend +' at the top of the screen
2. Choose from 4 methods: QR code, add a contact, add by ID, or recommend a friend.
3. A message appears saying 'Friends have been added successfully'.
  • If a message appears saying, "Your friend has not yet installed a burrito wallet," "Shall we send an invitation message?" You can send an invitation message by sharing the Burrito Wallet installation link with your friend.