Service Manual


Fees (fees and gas fees)


Why do transaction fees occur??

What is slippage? Slippage is the difference between the quoted price and the actual contracted price. Slippage may occur because of the time delay between when the quote information is received and when the exchange is actually executed.In order to prevent losses due to excessive slippage, a price fluctuation allowance can be set during the swap. If you set a tolerance for price fluctuations, the token swap will only be completed within that specified range.

Why do I have to pay fees for failed trades?

Gas fees incurred during the transaction procedure will still be charged even if the swap fails.
The gas fee and swap fee mentioned here are separate network fees (= gas fee)
Network fees (gas fees) are provided as a cost to users validating blocks.
Network gas fees may be incurred for failed swap transactions, but swap transaction fees are not incurred.