Web3.0, burritos are delicious!
Hello, this is Burrito Wallet, an easy and convenient Web3.0 digital wallet.
Burrito Wallet is committed to protecting your personal information and providing you with convenient services.
Unfortunately, we have noticed an increase in the number of users who are using the Burrito Wallet service through inappropriate behavior.
In this situation, Burrito Wallet strictly prohibits inappropriate activities to build a healthy service environment. Therefore, users who use Burrito Wallet services inappropriately will be subject to account politics.
Users who are scheduled for account moderation will have 7 days to submit an explanation of the relevant issues and contact the customer center to make their case.
You can see the list of people who will be suspended below.cp
We ask that all members use the Burrito Wallet service in a fair manner to ensure equitable participation in events and smooth service usage.
Burrito Wallet is always striving to provide better services.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.